

Releasing the Old Reclaiming the True | DNA Activation


Dichtbij het einde van een - voor velen - turbulent jaar is deze video opgenomen. We naderen een veelbelovend nieuw jaar.

Binnen een Veilig & Krachtig Veld verlaat ‘Het Oude’ moeiteloos je cellen en je veld en kan je 'Het Ware' weer innemen, tot in alle lagen van je Zijn, door levens, tijden, lagen en dimensies heen.

Here are some experiences participants shared:

"I am in awe.


I don't know how to best express it, but wow. Really amazing.

What a transmission this was.

So much flowed through me and everything you said was so essential for my system. It was just what I needed. What I secretly had longed for."

"So much is going through me right now and I think you will probably get great feedback from many other people, because this is so spot on.

So magical. So powerful.

I have never felt so huge and so powerful. (..)

All I can say is WOW, haha. (..)"

"Thank you for offering this, which unfortunately I couldn't attend live.

But I am so deeply grateful that I was able to do this today!

I'm actually going to do it again now.

Because I feel that I want to sink even deeper into it, to dive in deeper."

"Wow, thank you dear Ariëtte. That was very nice. A lot happened.

Released a lot. I felt that clearly, chills, energy.

Much space arose: Heart, Solar plexus...

Many things happened to me with the breathing too. Very nice.

The infinity sign also did heaps. That was a good one.

I really did need this session.

This past week troubled by nausea and headaches.

Unable to process stimuli. Tension..

This was really nice, a lot of release. Thank you"

"Oh my goodness… I think this is really life changing.

"I feel very peaceful."

"The second time was just as fantastic!!!

I'll do it again tomorrow, I feel liberated!"

"Wow what a transmission.

I enjoyed this today. I got a very beautiful image that I will continue to hold on to:

The Temple and seeing my inner child and adult version there together.

And to connect to the Core of New Earth.

It's like Coming Home.

Deep within myself and with others.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow with the next transmission! (..)

I feel such deep gratitude for everything you do for the world and your pure beauty.”

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